
• My foray into the world of bicycle time trials (aka ITT, individual time trial) began today. This is one of those rare occasion when French has more linguistic punch than English with 'contre le montre' (trans. 'against the watch'). This was not racing per se; I simply wanted to know if I would be able to keep up if I rode with a friend on his regular route should I ever impose myself.For the avoidance of doubt: That's not me in the headline photo. That's Rohan Dennis, the current world ITT champion in the UCI elite men division. Dennis has been the focus of controversy recently, as you may read in a Weekend Australian report where the photo appears. I hope that Dennis will be able to resolve his issues and that he will be back racing soon.
I mapped out a route (profile below) with the free Komoot service. My target specification was 14.85miles and 355 feet of climbing within 1h:16m without over-taxing myself in the process. The template course (profile above) is a steady rise for seven and a half miles to a summit and then back down, which is a purpose-built recreational path with a good surface. My emulation was bumpier (both in its elevations and in its riding surfaces), but did come close with 14.91miles and 349 feet of climbing.

There is more to a bicycle time trial than just the physical prowess of the ride. Changeable course conditions often play their part. As I turned out of our street towards the open countryside, heading away from the protection of the buildings and trees, I immediately I knew I was doomed to failure!
There was an 8mph wind blowing with 15mph gusts. The wind direction from the southwest meant that W3000S, a two miles long pan-flat straightway across open ground, would have to be ridden in a cross-headwind and I was just an echelon paceline of one. Simple physics determines that a headwind works more in resistance than a tailwind does in assistance. It's one of those 'you lose some, but you don't get as much back' affairs.
*START* 13:17, Clear, 79°F, Wind 8mph from ↗ (15mph gusts), UV index 7.
*END* 14:44, Clear, 82°F, Wind 8mph from ↗ (13mph gusts), UV index 6.
The reality felt more like a block-headwind. I turned Amen Corner and had to change down two gears even on the level. At times I was three gears down from normal. I had one watering-with-obligatory-photo halt of four minutes, so my running time was 1h:23m, a deficit of seven minutes. My friend, it seems, was going to have to leave me behind or ride at a slower pace than normal. This is the kind of dichotomy that often tests friendships to breaking point.

WEATHER report:
START* 13:17, Clear, 79°F, Feels like 79°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 12%, Dewpoint 22°F, Wind 8mph from ↗ (15mph gusts), UV index 7.
*END* 14:44, Clear, 82°F, Feels like 82°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 9%, Dewpoint 18°F, Wind 8mph from ↗ (13mph gusts), UV index 6.
*RIDE* feel 81°F, avg. temp. 81°F, avg. feel temp. 81°F.