
Showing posts from January, 2014

At eventide, keep a weather eye on the west

Being somewhat of a know-it-all, I opined that there would be no sunset tonight. It goes without saying that the sun sets every night, but I think you know what I am saying. I may be something of a know-it-all, but you are somewhat of a smart-arse, right? So, I stood down—photographically speaking—and started to listen to some music. Suddenly, the sky in the due north (first picture) lit up with color. To the south-southwest (second picture) more color lit the sky as the sun dropped over the rim of the world and shone under the edge of the cloud cover. Then the whole sky from due south to due west caught fire. The panorama does not do justice to the height, although the horizontal quadrant is well enough represented. Below: ten minutes after the official sunset, looking west-southwest towards where the sun sank below the horizon.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Sunday afternoon drive out into the boondocks

First we ran alongside the freeway. Five paces off the blacktop it is possible to stand in untouched desert scrubland with many signs of animal life recorded in the windblown sand. Gulp. Including snake tracks. We erred on the side of caution in the late afternoon to head home from the wilderness. Getting lost and dying on these back-country roads is not unknown. Our house is down there somewhere! Safely home to record this somewhat untidy sunset.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

I saw a giant cannibal space shrimp after cocktail hour last night

The world can be a frightening place for Daily Mail readers with vivid imaginations.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Before there was Las Vegas, Nevada, there was Babylon, Utah

This the Babylon Road, now just a dusty desert trail , but the alleged location of wild misbehavior during the silver strike days.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Rocky Mountain Hydrocodone High

I have a hate/hate relationship with that power pole. Tonight it forced me to make it the focal point of the picture.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Spiky bush

Out in the bush, the spikes on this bush snagged the evening light.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

All the same but different: color is subjective

Yeeha! Patio door open all day; shirt, shorts, and Jesus boots for yard work. I noticed this plant changing color throughout the day: The sundown original image out of the camera (left); corrected with color target software (center); corrected by me (right).   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Heading into the Colorado Plateaus

Heading southwest out of town around sunset into mesa country with the moon high above the mighty cliffs of Zion.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Sunset in the valley

To view the full panorama click the link.   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

First time the G11 has been called into action

'onest guv, I 'ardly laid a finger on 'er!   --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.

Going down of the day

  --------------------oOo-------------------- The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.