Light up my life
Both of the pictures in this post were taken in dark corners, without the use of flash, ancilliary, or 'artificial' light. The first picture is of a plant illuminated from the sunlight reflecting off a vehicle window, which threw a shaft of light through the foliage and projected an image onto the wall ten feet behind the plant. I took a picture of the shadows, too, but they looked fuzzy because they are!
The rockery in the second picture is a decorative feature in front of a building. It was in deep shadow as we entered. On the way out, I looked down from a mezzanine window between the second floor (first floor for British English speakers) and the first floor (ground floor ditto). A passerby remarked, "That was a fountain." As if that wasn't confusing enough, the rockery was now bathed in light. The sun had moved (more correctly, the earth had rotated, but doesn't that sound kinda pompous?) and was now being reflected from a high window. The sun had not moved so far that it was not still shining from the left, with the illumination on the rockery coming from the right. Fortunately I was able to go home and lie down until I was able to regain my grip on reality. There has been a scented vaporizer in the office we had visited: I am beginning to wonder just what substance they were vaporizing. We will be going back next week, so I am looking forward to more mind expanding experiences.
The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.