The discrete arts of talking and walking


These extra-terrestial visitors did not have much to say, but I had a long chinwag with the property owner.


'Pine Tree Corner' was in Technicolor this evening. I turned the color saturation down to 'CREDIBLE'.


I also chinwagged with a fellow immigrant as this 'plane glinted briefly, then began its descent to the nearby airport community.

"What's one of those?" I hear you ask. In this case it's an FAA approved night-lit landing strip with a collection of privately owned hangars that have houses attached. It's the kind of place that Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (1887-1965), better known as Le Corbusier, would probably have loved: "…the beauty of an airport is in the splendor of wide open spaces!" He eulogized in more detail: "…sky, grass, and concrete runways" ('Naked Airport: A Cultural History of the World's Most Revolutionary Structure' by Alastair Gordon). Well, two outta three ain't too shabby: the most remarkable thing about Grassy Meadows Sky Ranch is the paucity of grass. However, no sales and marketing department has ever, in the long history of the universe, decided to rename itself as 'Sales, Marketing, and Truth'. Later the great architect declared, "An airport should be naked!" Strange that sales & marketing missed out on that opportunity.

I discovered that talking and walking are incompatible if you meet somebody coming from the opposite direction. Thus my walk was both extended in time and truncated in distance this evening; a small price to pay to make two new acquaintances in the neighborhood.



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