Experimental untethering
Tethering has restricted my roaming abilities recently—a smartphone joke; or a bitter disappointment, dependent upon your service provider and your personal experiences of the technology. I was concerned that my tethering restrictions might be making me insular, what Japanese feature-phone (new retronym for you) market analysts have named the "Galápagos syndrome": learn new information every day, or shrivel up and die!
I was also concerned that I was merely using tethering as an excuse for my inborn couch potato-ing tendencies. So, as an exercise in liberation, all the pictures in this post were taken within a time span of seven minutes and a within a fifty feet radius of where I am sitting. The evidence seems damning, although in my defense I will argue that in one fell swoop I used up most of the picture making opportunities that are available within the terms of reference for the experiment, which is not necessarily a smart-move, or even a feature-move. 'Macbeth', Act 4, Scene 3? Who would have thought…? Lay on, Macduff, / And damned be him who first cries "Hold, enough!" / Exeunt fighting. Alarums.
The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.