We return to our scheduled programme
This picture is a repeat of an earlier picture, except the 'tide' has come in when the irrigation water was released. I do not claim to know anything about irrigation, however, it seems to me that in a desert climate flooding the fields may be a great way to grow rice, but is perhaps not the best way to water fruit trees and ley crops.
Another repeat—we regret this is starting to resemble the summer TV schedules—but capturing the shimmering leaves on the trees requires moving pictures. There is a tree—not shown in the picture—that has been delightfully named the 'Quaking Aspen' (Populus tremuloides). Surprisingly, it is the most widely distributed tree in North America. Seeing stands of them quake under a clear blue sky in mountain country is one of nature's greatest visual delights and if you get close enough there is a soundtrack, too. The Forest Service offers a video on the decline of the Aspen. You may take an unmanned flight at Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado, with GotAerial.com to see Aspens from the sky.
This cliff face has several shallow caves, where Native American artifacts have been found. Would it be over-imaginative to see Kokopelli, the humpbacked flute-playing fertility deity of the Hopi and other southwestern First Nation peoples, making great strides in the shadows? This probably only works if you have become accustomed to the Kokopelli symbol being used to sell everything from pizza to popcorn: that is a totally unwarranted cultural slur, absolutely lacking in supporting factual evidence; it just seems that way sometimes. The observant will notice that the next picture has been flipped horizontally for the purposes of comparison.
Credit: FastCory.com Sand Hollow Marathon page in March 2011
I have no idea why I like this picture .
I can tell you all kinds of things that are wrong with it.
However, like it I do, so it stays.
A new sign appeared in the neighborhood and attracted a crowd of kids.
The skies were HUGE this morning. These two pictures are just a sample.