Season of glowing sunlight and mellow fruitfulness

"SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;"

~ John Keats (1795-1821) 'To Autumn' 

Oh well, close apart from the mist, which is not a frequent meteorological occurrence hereabouts.


The routine evening cloud picture: it was blue from horizon to horizon and 360° around.


Pomegranates ripening on a vacant property: a moral dilemma in the making.


You have my word that there were three butterflies on this Buddleja as I went to take the picture.


Some eye popping contre jour lighting effects this evening, but not many photographic subjects.
I almost had groin strain straddling an irrigation flume to get this picture. One has to suffer for one's art.


Well it might be waste ground and weeds to you, but to me it's dramatic pictorial lighting.


Most often, these hill sides are baked brown—especially in 'fire season'— but the late monsoon rains
have produced a green sheen in many places; anywhere there is a little thin soil to support plant life. 


I have no idea: 1 inch in diameter; the apple green parts look like seeds; light as a feather.


This I recognize—it is a merkhet (instrument of knowing) constructed from hay bales.
Accurate at 7pm for the uninitiated: I checked it against the Apple NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.


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