Secrets your father kept from you

When I was a small boy, I was allowed to go into my father's workshop while he was buy with his latest project. The tools and equipment fascinated me. One of the conditions for my presence was that I remained silent and did not touch anything. You will understand this was before the hegemony that children have now acquired.




Thanks to Damar International for the Vigor Equipment publicity shot: very invigorating. You may view a wide range of pneumatic models in a specialist catalog available from the Damar website.

Occasionally in the workshop, my enthusiasm would overcome my compliance with the regulations—even though that might mean being ordered to leave. Generally the interruption to the important work at hand would be something like, "What for is that thing for?" The answer was nearly always, "It is a Thing of Purpose." If ever there was signal given that adults knew things that were worth knowing but weren't telling then that was it. The problem was how to pusuade them to share the enlightenment.


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