Using backlighting to avoid trespassing
The sign on the fence at the opening to the driveway said 'private property / keep out / no trespassing' or words to that effect, "But on the other side it didn't say nothing, / That side was made for you and me" as the Woody Guthrie song proclaims. However—nudge, nudge, wink, wink—I did not take the necessary three steps forward to take this picture, even although, as my former mentor in the construction industry would have said, 'We can do owt if we divn't get catched'. That would have been a bad thing to do—as the Wizard of Oz might say, 'Cui Malo?' in a link that is definitely not a transgressing citation, which you will understand if you click the link—so I used the zoom lens [grin] according to the official report.
Has anybody here seen enough flowers to last them for the duration?
Anybody specifically tired of seeing yellow flowers?
We try to please: here is white…
…vanilla and orange sorbet, and lastly…
…vanilla, raspberry, and lemon. Are they edible? It seems that many flowers are highly rated for haute cuisine.
Although a good rule is: "If you don't know what it is, don't even touch it!" I don't know what it is.
What I thought were Bittersweet berries [blush] are actually flowers it seems.
The Summer Genie [enhanced image] may be out of the bottle: by this point of the walk I was perspiring gently.
Grapes! I know for sure, because under informed supervision I have eaten the fruit from this vine.
Walking the same route often allows us to note that this daisy (used as a generic term) appeared overnight.
This double-value tree had pink blossom (below) in the first week of March—now red leaves burn bright in the late sun.
The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.