Spring in the deserts of blooming Utah
We headed out into the boonies, where the wireless Internet and mobile phone services come from up on the hill.
The engineer told me that up there in winter the wind howls through the masts and it is hard to even stand up.
In the basin at the foot of the cliffs the cactuses are starting to bloom.
Some sooner than others…
…there is even a smattering of what passes for grass in these parts.
You can probably guess where there is water, even though the stream bed at this point is dry unless it has been raining.
It was time to turn back, resisting the lever temptation trap, after we reached this ancient artifact lying on the desert floor.
A huge cartoon cloud-poodle was romping across the skies.
On the road home we saw these three blazing bushes in Toquerville, Utah.
Later that week, this plant bloomed in our own front yard.
Elsewhere in the neighborhood there were other splashes of color.
The bright red leaves look particularly attractive among other plants.
Here red, yellow, and green make an attractive backing for some white blossom.
The wonderful thing about music & flowers is that no knowledge is required to appreciate their beauty.
These flowers have been covered with netting to keep the chickens from pecking.
Meanwhile the chickens are having a great time feeding on the nearby field of feed crop.
The whole neighborhood is under heavy surveillance—chickens and humans.
Any day now, I expect they will grease 'er up and run 'er over that field of feed crop.
The owner of another orchard, just along the road from this one, told me this year could be a bumper crop.
Right next to the orchard in the previous picture, there are still bare branches reaching for the sky.
The blog author almost never checks emails or comments.