Test Card F
Carole Hersee is the most televised person in history. She has clocked up an estimated 70,000 hours, often to be seen when there was a break in TV transmission. There is an interview on YouTube:
Extract from a 2011 programme segment called 'Questions, Questions', presented by Stuart Henderson. He tracks down the 'Test Card Girl' from 1967. The Test Card Girl was a picture which was shown the the end of the day's broadcast on BBC1 for about 30 years, making her image the most broadcast image in history. This clip interviews one of her biggest fans, Keith Hamer, and then Carole herself, as she tells her story.
The caption "Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible" could never provide the same reassurance as one of those calm, controlled, mellifluously modulated BBC voices intoning the same phrase on the wireless.