It's a long and dusty road


The driver who raised the dust must have thought I was a maniac as I ducked down and pressed into the bush on the left to get into the shadows and stop lens flare obliterating any picture potential. Trying to make something photograpic, or cinematographic, look the way you want it to takes work and skill: how that was achieved by Michael [1] [2] Slovis on 'Breaking Bad' may be of interest if that sort of thing interests you. The example above is just half-assed happenstance.


The sign that went up last week has already become cobwebbed, which is an actual adjective.


The local silk trees flowered late this year, but nevertheless gave unstintingly of their blossoms. Now pods are forming—tree is a member of the pea family (Fabaceae)—and drying ready for reseeding. Also known as silky acacia or mimosa tree, the plant was introduced into the USA from Asia in 1745 but is still considered an invasive species by the National Park Service (NPS), which suggests Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea), river birch (Betula nigra), redbud (Cercis canadensis), fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) and flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) as native alternatives. It always amazes me that white Europeans (like me) rarely see themselves in the same light as the families they think should return to their own countries. I hardly dare ask where that succulent hails from, but let's hope it is somewhere of which the NPS approves.


It's a long and dusty road
It's a hot and heavy load

If you see me passin' by
And you sit and you wonder why
And you wish that you were a rambler, too
Just nail your shoes to the kitchen floor
Lace 'em up and bar the door
Thank your stars for the roof that's over you

'Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound'
Sung by Nanci Griffith. Written by Tom Paxton.



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